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This lil' sweetie is an authentic Bohemian Peace RBL base doll with a Friendly Freckles scalp- a super gorgeous sidepart hairstyle!  Meg comes with the gorgeous Cangaway dress she's wearing, the stock heart glasses, and a few Love Note Studios goodies- a surprise print of one of my illustrations, some postcard prints, and a few stickers. ;)
The adoption cost for Meg is SOLD– which includes US Shipping! Please add $20 for international shipping. :)
Here is a list of the work I did on her:
-original makeup sanded/face matted
-lips/nose completely carved and reshaped
-septum ring with little bead added
-lips recolored with high quality pastel, sealed with msc and gloss added
-quality pastels used for blushing and eyeshadow
-my signature painted eyelashes around the eyes, and lush new eyelashes swapped in
-freckles added
-eyelids painted by the ever talented Sarah of Kaleidoscope Kustoms
-faceup and signed backplate sealed with MSC
-boggled / gaze corrected
-new pullstring with special beads and charms added
-She has two pairs of handpainted chips by myself, as well as one pair of coolcat sparkle chips, and the special wine colored chips of Bohemian Peace.
Please feel free to contact me at with any questions :)
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